Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!
Maizey I recently spoke to Sheri Calfee, the adopter of one of our more rambunctious dogs, Maizey, and she asked that I post a success story about Marvelous Maizey. Maizey is a very pretty, thinner tri-colored Sheltie whose made it her mission to guard her back yard against intruders. It seems that Maizey guards the yard against squirrels, birds, drones, airplanes, or anything else causing a sound; Maizey makes sure they do not disturb her yard. A DO NOT DISTURB SIGN? Don't bother, because Maizey makes sure her yard is not disturbed. That's her job!! Bless Sheri's heart for taking in this little pup-pup. Maizey needed a special place to call her own, and she has found a very special place with Sheri. Thank you for adopting our Marvelous Maizey, Sheri! |